William F. Lyons Jr.

William F. Lyons Jr. can be reached at editorial@thewarrengroup.com
Bike Share System Recognizes Significant Growth

Bike Share System Recognizes Significant Growth

A few short years ago, the nascent sharing economy for transportation included car share services like ZipCar. This was big news at the time. Early car share success in Cambridge and Somerville rapidly expanded to become a global enterprise. Bike share services are now following the same path.

A Major Economic Disruption is on the Horizon

A Major Economic Disruption is on the Horizon

Before autonomous vehicles and mobility as a service can become mainstream, complementary businesses will need to become robust enough to support early adopters and grow with the industry. This autonomous vehicle ecosystem is critical for the overall success of mass adoption.

Mobility Policy Needs to Move in the Right Direction

Mobility Policy Needs to Move in the Right Direction

The time has come for the city of Boston to incorporate ridesharing into all of its mobility planning. This is most critical when it comes to allocating precious curb space to the many competing demands for this valuable urban terrain. The changing needs of our mobility system must drive changes in our parking policies.

The Future Of Mobility Is Sustainable

The Future Of Mobility Is Sustainable

The field of mobility is undergoing dramatic disruption on a daily basis. For those who follow traditional transportation issues (like me), the old paradigm was one of very gradual change and very little disruption.

Announcement Feeds Boston’s Obsession With Corporate Headquarters

Announcement Feeds Boston’s Obsession With Corporate Headquarters

The recent announcement that Amazon is seeking to construct a new, $5 billion East Coast headquarters that will employ as many as 50,000 people has set off a new frenzy within the business community, as well as state and local governments. Pronouncements that Boston will compete for this opportunity, and that Amazon is considering Boston as a site, have added fuel to the fire.

Lessons Learned From European Travel

Lessons Learned From European Travel

Greetings from Europe, B&T readers! As I travel across Europe and reflect on my experiences so far, it has become more obvious than ever how poorly we maintain our infrastructure in the United States and especially in Boston.

The Future Of Urban Mobility

The Future Of Urban Mobility

A great revolution in our relationship with the automobile is happening across the Unites States and in Boston. The car, a fixture for most Americans, is slowly losing its grip on our daily lives.

The Future Of Mobility And Big Data

The Future Of Mobility And Big Data

We often think of mobility as the transportation of people and goods within and between communities. This is the essential function of our transportation systems. Our transportation system is, and always will be, the lifeblood of our economy – no matter what form our future mobility takes.

Amtrak Is Better Than Flying

Amtrak Is Better Than Flying

For all of the many issues that hamper Amtrak’s financial success, the experience of taking the Acela to New York or Philadelphia is truly exceptional. The service they provide is outstanding, and for short trips in the northeast corridor, the difference in travel...