New wayfinding signs were installed in Boston’s Seaport District on Friday as part of a pilot program to make the fast-changing neighborhood more navigable to pedestrians and out-of-town visitors.

The signs fulfill one of the recommendations in the South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Plan, released earlier this year. That document called for various programs to reduce congestion and improve movement among various modes of transit in the Seaport.

The first phase includes signs designed to help pedestrians find their way from the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center to neighborhood landmarks such as the Fan Pier, Liberty Wharf and South Station. The Boston Redevelopment Authority is tracking feedback on the new program with the Twitter hashtag #WalkSBW.

The program is a joint effort by city departments, state agencies and the nonprofit pedestrian advocacy group WalkBoston.

New Wayfinding Signs Point The Way In Seaport

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min