Attorney General Martha Coakley has obtained a judgment against a Fall River landlord and his tenant for allegedly posting discriminatory rental advertisements on the popular classified advertising website

The announcement comes today as part of an ongoing statewide investigation into reports of widespread discriminatory Internet advertising.

George Cote and his tenant, Harriet Witkington, placed an advertisement on in May 2009, listing a unit for rent in Fall River but stating "no Section 8." The ad violates the state anti-discrimination act.

"Landlords and real estate professionals, and anyone acting on their behalf, must recognize that the rental market is a regulated industry and compliance with our anti-discrimination laws is an important obligation," said Coakley. "While we hope that this enforcement initiative will have a deterrent effect, our office will continue to monitor Craigslist and take action against landlords and real estate professionals who violate the law."

Cote and Witkington are required to attend training on state and federal fair housing laws. The judgment also prohibits Cote and Witkington from placing discriminatory advertisements against any person who seeks or applies for housing.

Recently, Coakley’s office resolved a similar case against a Hyde Park landlord that allegedly posted discriminatory statements on Craigslist. The judgment filed against Linheart Smith provides similar relief requiring training to ensure future compliance with state and federal fair housing law, and requires him to pay a $3,000 civil penalty to the Local Consumer Aid Fund.


AG Penalizes Another Landlord For Placing Discriminatory Ads on Craigslist

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min