Real Estate Transactions
Massachusetts Real Estate Records
Who bought? Who sold? How much? Subscribers can examine our renowned Records Section, complete with year to date market statistics, median prices, real estate sales, foreclosure deeds, mortgage facts, and property details. Best viewed in Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox.
Massachusetts Credit Records
Who filed for bankruptcy? Who hasn’t paid their taxes? Which lenders are foreclosing? Banker & Tradesman’s Credit Records feature: bankruptcy filings; federal and state tax liens and attachments; petitions to foreclose; sheriff sales; and foreclosure auctions. Be informed with timely notices of potential red flags.
Rhode Island Real Estate Records
Compliments of The Commercial Record, search and view market statistics, median prices, and real estate sales across the Ocean State. Best viewed in Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox.
Town Stats
Generate statistical reports, charts and graphs for your market area. Use Town Stats to create and view statistics based on median sales price and number of sales for Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, for the entire state, individual counties, or specific towns.
Premium Solutions
Real Estate Records Search
Mortgage MarketShare Reports
Track how your lending record is against your competitors’. Who is making more loans? Who is lending more dollars? Where are you gaining business, or losing it? See why dozens of lenders rely on these highly-detailed comprehensive rankings to make the right strategic decisions. Available in Excel format for easy scenario-driven analysis. And you can choose either residential or commercial mortgage reports!
Marketing Lists
Mail to homeowners ready to refinance. Be the first to find people ready to put their homes on the market. Identify real estate investors in your community. Learn the best commercial real estate borrowing opportunities. Or find great insurance prospects. Our team of professionals will help you build the best marketing list to accomplish your goals. Your most successful business campaign is just moments away.
Licensing Opportunities
Want to put The Warren Group’s treasure-trove of data to work on your website? We have off-the-shelf applications that can enhance your business immediately. Or we can work with you to make the largest, most respected and comprehensive real estate database in the Northeast be part of the tools you offer your customers.
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