This was to accompany my Top Lenders story that came out earlier this year, but sometimes life gets in the way. Anyway…
I have a background in video, as well as print, and so I thought it would be neat to put together a short profile about one of our top lenders and one of their borrowers. I wanted to see what made the relationship “work,” and for Tom Kershaw, proprietor of the Hampshire House (which you may know as the inspiration for the TV show “Cheers”), it’s been a strong personal relationship with Bob Mahoney, the president and CEO of Belmont Savings Bank. This is sort of a “snapshot” of how interpersonal relationships can be beneficial in the business world.
Commercial Lending & Personal Relationships: A Snapshot
I shot this video when there was still snow on the ground (though to be fair, that wasn’t so long ago, really), and the folks at Belmont Savings have been wonderfully patient in waiting for me to edit and post it. Having said that, if there’s something going on at YOUR bank that you think might make for a nifty little video feature, shoot me an email: or send me a Tweet!