Boston-based loan sale advisor DebtX said prices on commercial loans auctioned in November rose almost a cent compared to October.

The aggregate value of commercial real estate (CRE) loans priced by DebtX that collateralizes CMBS increased to 77.7 percent as of Nov. 30, 2009, from 76.9 percent as of Oct. 30, 2009. The aggregate value is down from 81.3 percent as of Jan. 30, 2009.

"Loan prices in the CMBS universe rose modestly in November but have remained in a tight range since July 2009," said DebtX CEO Kingsley Greenland. "November’s modest improvement in CMBS collateral prices is the result of increased liquidity and declining spreads among the higher rated CMBS market segment."

DebtX priced 60,982 commercial real estate loans with an aggregate principal balance of $716.7 billion as of Nov. 30, 2009. Each of these loans, which collateralize 642 US CMBS trusts, received a DXMark. DebtX’s valuations are based on actual secondary market sales of CRE loans that take place at DebtX, according to a statement.


Commercial Real Estate Loan Prices Rise In Nov.

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min