A number of counterfeit cashier’s checks bearing a routing number unique to Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank are in circulation, according to the FDIC, presumably instantly recognizable since Cape Cod Five does not issue cashier’s checks.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211371078, which is assigned to Cape Cod Five. According to a statement from the FDIC, Cape Cod Five does not issue cashier’s checks but does issue treasurer’s checks.

The counterfeit items display a security feature statement embedded in a darkened top border and along a darkened bottom border. The words "CASHIER’S CHECK" appear in the bottom-left corner.

The FDIC asks that any information concerning this matter be brought to the attention of:

Diane K. Rowlings
Assistant Vice President and Security Officer
The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
19 West Road
P.O. Box 10
Orleans, Massachusetts 02653
Telephone: (508) 247-2128
Fax: (508) 247-5595
E-mail: drowlings@capecodfive.com

Counterfeiters Crash Cape Cod Five’s Cashiers Party

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min