More than 200 people recently attended Fidelity House’s annual fund-raising event where Executive Director Ed Woods announced the 62-year-old facility is embarking on its first-ever capital campaign. 

Fidelity House, which has served Arlington and neighboring communities with a variety of programs since 1955, is seeking to raise $3 million for a new multi-purpose gym and other physical plant improvements.  

In the initial, private phase of its capital campaign, Fidelity House raised more than $1.5 million, putting the community center more than half way toward its fund-raising goal. 

Woods, who has been the executive director of Fidelity House for more than 30 years, says Fidelity House must address major physical renovations required to meet the community’s growing needs. 

“We want Fidelity House to continue to provide future generations that same sense of community, character and connection that it’s provided since its inception,” Woods said in a statement. “Our project will provide handicap accessibility to all areas of Fidelity House and much-needed space for new programs.” 

Cambridge Savings Bank helped kick off the public phase of Fidelity House’s capital campaign. Bank representatives presented Woods and Frank Tessitore, president of the Friends of Fidelity House, with an initial check for $25,000.  

 Cambridge Savings Bank will donate $50,000, and has pledged an additional $25,000 as a match challenge, for a total gift of $75,000 to the capital campaign.

Fidelity House Kicks Off Public Component Of $3M Capital Campaign

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min