In the midst of anxiety over potential overspending, House Democrats on Wednesday morning introduced a new spending bill which could emerge on the House floor for consideration Wednesday afternoon.

Senate budget chief Karen Spilka on Tuesday mentioned the possibility of a supplemental budget surfacing in the next two weeks, and the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday morning began polling its members on a spending bill.

The legislation includes $14 million for the Department of Transportation, $15 million for the Department of Correction, $15 million for the Executive Office of Administration and Finance, and $1.5 million for the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The bill, which also addresses fund transfers and unexpended funds throughout state government, does not include any language outlining the purpose or need for the spending.

Supplemental budgets are regularly processed by the Legislature, augmenting the annual budget. The impact of the added spending on the state’s total fiscal picture, which has been marked by sluggish tax collections, is not clear since the Baker administration has been relatively mum about budget management.

The committee asked its members, which regularly rubber-stamp bills recommended by chairman Brian Dempsey, to vote on the bill by 10:45 a.m.

House Introduces New Spending Bill

by State House News Service time to read: 1 min