Facebook may be king if you’re looking for cat videos and Twitter is the go-to source for up-to-the-minute news, but LinkedIn is the preferred social media platform in the Greater Boston real estate industry, according to a new survey.

Over half of industry professionals said they use the professional networking site, according to commercial real estate organization NAIOP Massachusetts and Solomon McCown & Co. Facebook ranked second, cited by 20 percent of respondents.

Real estate brokers were particularly sold on social media’s ability to help them professionally, with nearly nine out of 10 saying it had help them find new leads.

But real estate owners appear to be later adopters. Only 22 percent say they have an in-house social media program, and a third said they only use it a few times a year.

More than eight of 10 respondents said they used mobile devices to check social media, and less than 7 percent said they shun social media entirely for personal or professional use.

The results were taken from a survey of 100 real estate professionals conducted online and at a recent NAIOP forum.

LinkedIn Tops Facebook For Real Estate Networking

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min