Four Massachusetts fair housing organizations and nonprofits have been awarded more than $1.4 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to educate the public and combat housing and lending discrimination.
Nationally, HUD awarded more than $40.8 million to 108 fair housing organizations and nonprofit agencies in 36 states and the District of Columbia, according to a statement. The awards will fund activities that address lending discrimination, including mortgage rescue scams.
"Ending housing discrimination takes more than the efforts of Washington," said John Trasvina, HUD assistant secretary for fair housing and equal opportunity. "These grants enable community groups all over the nation to help HUD enforce the Fair Housing Act, make the public more aware of their fair housing rights and ensure that housing providers understand their responsibilities under the law."
The following Massachusetts organizations received a HUD grant:
• Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston – $274,750 and $500,000
• HAP Inc. – $121,637
• Housing Discrimination Project – $325,000
• Legal Assistance Corp. of Central Mass. – $237,933