Two digital-media companies have signed leases for more than 9,000 square feet of office space on upper floors at Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

Criteo, a company that develops web advertising, signed for 5,666 square feet. Streetwise Media, the start-up developer of and other websites, took 3,405 square feet to establish a first headquarters. Jim Griffin and Peter Bean, senior managing directors in Newmark Grubb Knight Frank’s (NGKF) Boston office, engineered the deals, with NGKF managing principal John Hennessey representing Criteo and Cassidy Turley associate Colin Greenhalgh representing Streetwise.

"We’ve been very encouraged by companies’ positive response to the Faneuil Hall space, especially considering today’s erratic economy," noted Bean in a statement. "About 90 percent of the 150,000 square feet of office space is now occupied."

Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Brings New Firms To Faneuil Hall Offices

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min